Jika Anda pengguna sunblock atau sunscreen pelindung kulit dari sengatan sinar matahari, baiknya baca sebentar artikel ini. Saya kutip dari dari Environmental Working Group. Intinya menyatakan bahwa 4 dari 5 merk (dari total 1065 yang diteliti) berbahaya bagi kesehatan kulit dan atau tidak memberi perlindungan sama sekali kepada kulit kita. Membaca daftar di rilis keluaran EWG ini membuat saya ngeri karena ternyata banyak sekali merk yang iklannya ramai di TV kita malah masuk kategori "high hazard". Hiiiiiiii. Baiknya baca sendiri deh...
"Does your sunscreen work? An investigation of nearly 1,000 brand-name sunscreen products finds that 4 out of 5 contain chemicals that may pose health hazards or don't adequately protect skin from the sun's damaging rays. Some of the worst offenders are leading brands like Coppertone, Banana Boat, and Neutrogena. More than a million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. every year, but FDA still hasn't finalized sunscreen standards first announced 30 years ago. Meanwhile, companies are free to claim but not provide broad spectrum protection. Until FDA requires that all sunscreens be safe and effective, Environmental Working Group's comprehensive sunscreen guide—including a list of 146 products that offer very good sun protection—fills in the gaps."
Daftar produk sunblock terbaik yang aman dipakai silahkan klik Top 10 Products. Sedangkan untuk rangkuman komprehensif penelitian tersebut silahkan klik ke Sunscreen Summary — What Works and What's Safe.
"Does your sunscreen work? An investigation of nearly 1,000 brand-name sunscreen products finds that 4 out of 5 contain chemicals that may pose health hazards or don't adequately protect skin from the sun's damaging rays. Some of the worst offenders are leading brands like Coppertone, Banana Boat, and Neutrogena. More than a million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. every year, but FDA still hasn't finalized sunscreen standards first announced 30 years ago. Meanwhile, companies are free to claim but not provide broad spectrum protection. Until FDA requires that all sunscreens be safe and effective, Environmental Working Group's comprehensive sunscreen guide—including a list of 146 products that offer very good sun protection—fills in the gaps."
Daftar produk sunblock terbaik yang aman dipakai silahkan klik Top 10 Products. Sedangkan untuk rangkuman komprehensif penelitian tersebut silahkan klik ke Sunscreen Summary — What Works and What's Safe.
Thanks ya untuk sharing dan infonya