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Mr. Barack Obama Almost Hooks A Trout! On Fly Fishing!

Gerakan refleks guide mancing Dan Vermillion saat Presiden USA Barack Obama hampir saja mendapatkan seekor ikan trout saat memancing fly fishing di East Gallatin River di dekat Belgrade, Montana, pada tanggal 14 Agustus 2009.(Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

Andai ada presiden lain yang juga suka memancing sportfishing seperti Obama...

* Foto dan caption foto diambil dari WapitiWaters.Blogspot.Com
* Foto-foto fly fishing Obama yang lain dapat dilihat di The Official White House Photostream


Unknown said…
Danka. Thanks for re-posting out blog entry about Obama. We like that he was in our state and tried fly fishing. We also like him as our president.
Unknown said…
Thx for visiting my blog. I also like Obama. I wish there's more president like him; do fly fishing...